A small ‘family feel’ school where the children have fun, work hard, and love to learn.

What IS good attendance?

97% +

Good attendance

Well done! Keep it up.

97% - 95%

Early Warning

Early awareness raising, ‘phone call home, monitored by class teachers

95% - 92%

School Monitoring

Letters of concern, 1:1 meetings, home visits, concern escalated to senior staff

92% - 90%

School Intervention (stage 1)

Attendance Report Card

School letter to raise awareness of Fixed Penalty process in cases of unauthorised absence, meetings with parents/carers, continued school support 

90% and below

Attendance Service and School Intervention (stage 2)

Attendance Panel, Parenting Contract, Attendance Report Card, Home Visits, Meeting with Locality Attendance Officer, Education Penalty Warning from LA / Penalty Notice (which could lead to prosecution)

Unauthorised attendance that falls below 75% can be an underlying risk factor and indicative of a safeguarding concern.