A small ‘family feel’ school where the children have fun, work hard, and love to learn.

Details & Links

Special Needs at Sandbrook 

Sandbrook is committed to promoting high standards of education for children and young people with SEND, focusing on preventative work to ensure that needs are identified as quickly as possible and that early action is taken to meet those needs. This page provides information on how Sandbrook aims to help your child. 


Our SEN Co-ordinator is Mrs Craven and our SEN Governor is Mrs Myers.  If you require any further information, please call the school office to arrange an appointment.


SENCo email address: send@sandbrook.wirral.sch.uk


SEND Policy & Accessibility Plan

This policy is reviewed annually by our Governing Body at their first meeting of each new school year. Last Reviewed November 2023.

Sandbrook Information Report 
This has been prepared with a range of Frequently Asked Questions and responses and is reviewed annually.

Wirral Local Offer

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