A small ‘family feel’ school where the children have fun, work hard, and love to learn.

Sandbrook Governors - An Overview

Governing Sandbrook
The school governors form a Local Governing Board and are responsible for the link between the Trust and the parents and the community, feeding into the trust's oversight and management of the school.  They are supportive and highly motivated. They have a deep understanding of the nature and mission of Sandbrook and are committed to its vision and aims.  They work in partnership for the best interests of the children. Their vision and passion for continued improvement steers and focuses their decision making process.
All governors follow a code of conduct and have a strategic role within the school, in summary, they:
  • Develop an understanding of how the trust and the school are led and managed
  • Are a link with parents and the community
  • Monitor the work of the school, escalating any concerns to the CEO and /or trustees
  • Review key decisions made by the headteacher eg. pupil exclusions and responses to complaints
  • Report to the Trustees of Leading Learners Academy Trust
Our Constitution
The local governing board of Sandbrook Primary School consists of the following:
1 x chair (Appointed by the Trust)
2 x parents governors (Nominated from amongst and elected by the parents/guardians of children at Sandbrook)
1 x staff governor (Nominated from amongst and elected by the school staff)
3-5 x co-opted governors (Appointed by the governing body for their specific knowledge or expertise)
1 x headteacher governor in attendance (A governor by default unless they decide to relinquish the role)
As a former LA maintained school, Sandbrook Primary last amended their constitution in May 2014 as required by The School Governance Constitution Regulations 2012.
From January 2024, Sandbrook joined Leading Learners Multi Academy Trust and follow their recommended constitution.
 Our Governors
Chair of Governors (Co-opted Governor) : Michael Mellin
Vice Chair of Governors (LA Governor) : Vida Wilson
Ex officio Headteacher Governor : Claire Temple
Staff Governor : Caroline Howard-Jones
Parent Governor : Jennifer Rhodes-Ciampa
Parent Governor : Eloise Myers
Co-opted Governor : Nicola Lightwing
Co-opted Governor x 2 : vacancy
Clerk to Governors : Nichola Humble
Should you wish to make contact with governors, please contact the school office or email:governors@sandbrook.wirral.sch.uk