A small ‘family feel’ school where the children have fun, work hard, and love to learn.

Remote learning

Remote Education - What can you expect at Sandbrook?

If local restrictions require your child to remain at home, we will provide you and your child with a remote education provision.  We know that this can be hard juggling all of the pressures at home but we do ask you to support your child by engaging fully with the work provided by school and keeping in contact with us as much as possible. 


We will be using Google Classroom to deliver the learning tasks. There is some help below but please do call school if you get stuck! We are happy to help.  We can also provide you with paper copies if you prefer.


We will be sending your child learning tasks that would take 3-4 hours in school. We will try our hardest to schedule the tasks so that you can plan your day flexibly.  Some of our families have said that getting into a routine has really helped them with remote learning. 


Each day we will set some English, maths and an afternoon subject.  We will be making little help videos to go along with the work so that your child still has sight and sound of their teachers.  We may also use resources form other high quality sources. Please send in your child's work so that we can see how they are getting on.  You can send a screenshot or bring your child's book into school when you collect new work. 


We know that remote learning can be tricky. Getting into a routine can help.  You can break work up into chunks and space tasks out during the day. Your engagement can really make a difference. Take an interest in your child's lessons - perhaps you could join in!  Let us know if you have any problems because we can usually offer a solution. 


Together we can get through this and support the children of Sandbrook to keep learning lots even though they are not with us in school!

We love getting together in class meetings.  We can say hello to everyone, share our stories and listen to a story.  It's lovely for children who are working at home to see their friends so we would encourage everyone to join in.
We do have some rules though!
1 ASK before you join!  Grown-ups make sure you know that your child is joining in and decide whether you want cameras on or off.
2 EVERYONE DRESSED properly. Make sure everyone is dressed properly - imagine coming to school on a non-uniform day.  Grown-ups in the background this includes you.
3 SCHOOL RULES apply - be kind and helpful. We use respectful language and behaviour. Grown-ups in the background this includes you.
Click the link below to view our little video.